Michael Hyldgaard

Michael Wiggers Hyldgaard has been acting of Chief of Defence since April 3. 2024. 

The current acting Chief of Defence is Michael Wiggers Hyldgaard. He holds the rank of General and has been Chief of Defence since April 3. 2024.

Download CV for the acting Chief of Defence


Kenneth Pedersen has been Chief of the Defence Staff since 2019. He holds the rank of Lieutenant General and - together with the Chief of Defence – he is part of the high command of the Armed Forces.

Download CV for the Chief of the Defence Staff 

Download bio for the Chief of the Defence Staff 


Other high-command officers


Chief of Joint Operations:


Major General Ulrich Johan Hellebjerg


CV for Ulrich Johan Hellebjerg

Chief of Plans and Capabilities:

Major General Jacob Christian Alexa


CV for Jacob Christian Alexa

Commander, Army Command:

Major General Peter Harling Boysen



Admiral Danish Fleet, Royal Danish Navy Command:

Rear Admiral Søren Kjeldsen

Curriculum Vitae

Commander, Air Command:

Major General Jan Dam


Curriculum Vitae


Commander, Joint Arctic Command:

Major General Søren Andersen


Curriculum Vitae


Commander, Special Operations Command:

Awaiting appointment.




Director Executive Office:

Director Morten Brodersen


CV for Morten Brodersen


Commander of the Royal Danish Defence College:

Major General Flemming Mathiasen

CV for Flemming Mathiasen






Commanders of the Danish Armed Forces Health Services:

Brigadier Jesper Momme


CV Jesper Momme

Surgeon General Susanne Bach Lausten


CV for Susanne Bach Lausten


Commander of the Danish Defence Maintenance Agency:

Commodore Per Hesselberg


CV for Per Hesselberg





Last updated December 11, 2024 - 08:57