Special Operations Command

Strengthening and developing the special operations capacity of the Danish Armed Forces.

Special Operations Command

The Special Operations Command (SOKOM) is the overall command for Denmark's special operations forces.


The task of the Special Operations Command is to strengthen and develop the Armed Forces' special operations capacity.


The Command receives support from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Joint Arctic Command and collaborates with external partners in Denmark and abroad. 


Special operation forces

Danish special operation forces include:

  • The Danish Army Special Forces (JGK)
  • The Danish Navy Special Forces (FKP)
  • The Sirius Dog Sled Patrol; an elite unit that patrols the remotest parts of north-east Greenland in order to maintain Danish sovereignty

The special operations capacity is trained in close collaboration with the Royal Danish Air Force, which is responsible for setting up capacities that can be deployed in Special Air Operations.

Land Mobillity; indsættelse og løsning af opgaver med køretøjer. Foto: Forsvaret.

The Danish Army Special Forces (JGK) specialises in Air Mobility. Photo: Danish Defence.

Land Mobillity; indsættelse og løsning af opgaver med køretøjer. Foto: Forsvaret.

Like other elite units, the The Danish Navy Special Forces (FRK) is a unique community. Photo: Danish Defence.