Challengerfly fra Forsvaret spækket med avanceret overvågningsudstyr har flere gange deltaget i overvågningen af Europas grænser i Middelhavet. Foto: Rune Dyrholm / Forsvaret.

The crew of one of the Armed Forces' Challenger aircraft operates some of the advanced surveillance equipment. Photo: Rune Dyrholm / The Danish Armed Forces.

Since 2015, Denmark has made a number of different contributions available to the EU's border agency Frontex.


Frontex's task is to handle and coordinate efforts at the EU's external borders. Frontex addresses migration challenges, serious cross-border crime (smuggling, trafficking and terrorism) and identifies possible future threats to the EU's external borders.


Frontex operates on land, water and in the air. Frontex's efforts are divided into various operations, all of which contribute to, among other things, border control, fighting crime, registration of migrants and sea rescue (SAR).


The Danish contributions support the joint European effort against illegal migration flows and thus protect the safety and security of the Danes and Europeans. The contributions Denmark makes available to Frontex vary.

  • Place

  • Operation strength

  • Period of time

    Fra 2015
  • Current
